Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I Will Not Be Defeated (at least not by a Fitbit)

Oh my goodness, talk about pushing through the pain. Yesterday I volunteered at a thrift store for four hours. I was standing up sorting clothes for four long hours (okay maybe not all four, but still). By the time I got home, my foot was so swollen and in so much pain. There was absolutely no way I was going to be able to reach my step goal. So, I crawled into the bed and called it night.

This morning my foot was still swollen from last night, so much so that I was not able to wear close-toe shoes. The shoes that I did wear did not help the situation at all. When I got home from work, I looked at my Fitbit and saw that I was nowhere near my step goal. In my mind, I debated if I was going to attempt to reach at least half of my goal. Then I was like, “You know what, let’s just do this.” I changed my clothes, went outside, and started walking.

I made it to the elementary school, and decided to walk around the track. Unfortunately, it rained pretty hard earlier today, so that the track was muddy. But I walked about five times around, and then decided to walk to my sister’s house. By this time, my foot was killing me. I sat at my sister’s house and debated if I was going to push through the pain or call it quits. After resting for about twenty minutes, I decided to walk back home. As I walked into my garage, I looked at my Fitbit again – 70% complete. I wanted to cry, because I was in pain and I was starting to feel defeated. However, I refuse to lose to a Fitbit. I put my earbuds back in my ears, got up and started walking. Goal completed!

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