I have started some of the ten steps to lower my cholesterol – from the Cholesterol Down: Ten Simple Steps to Lower Your Cholesterol in Four Weeks--Without Prescription Drugs by Dr. Janet Bond Brill. Some of the steps I am having a hard time implementing.
1. Eat 1 cup of oatmeal every day
Yeah after watching The Golden Child, I just can’t see myself eating oatmeal. Maybe I can find a substitute.
2. Eat a handful of almonds daily, approximately 30
I have been very diligent about eating exactly 30 almonds a day.
3. Eat at least 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily
I went grocery shopping for flaxseed, but they were all out. So instead I have been eating the Kashi Go Lean Honey Almond and Flax cereal. Now that I’m thinking about eating this cereal puts me over 30 almonds a day. So I will have to cut back on #2.
4. Consume 3 grams of psyllium husk daily, gradually increasing to 10 grams
I have been consuming 2 grams of Metamucil for the past two weeks. I will move up to 3 grams on Sunday. But you must know that Metamucil is fast acting! It makes me feel like a baby; after every meal I am using the bathroom (TMI I know!).
5. Eat ½ cup of beans, peas, or lentils daily
I haven’t figured out a way to incorporate ½ cup of beans, peas, or lentils into my diet. Maybe I can start making some kind of salad with beans. Hmm I’ll have to think about this one.
6. Eat an apple every day
My husband decided he wanted to give the babysitter all of our apples. Luckily I bought some apple juice. So I have been drinking the apple juice with my Metamucil (trying to kill two birds with one stone).
7. Consume 2-3 grams of phytosterols per day at two separate meals
This week I have not been cooking with any oil. Usually when I do cook I use olive oil, or I will bake it. So this step really isn’t relevant to me.
8. Eat 20-25 grams of soy protein every day
I have finally found soy yogurt. Now I eat a cup of soy yogurt a day, and I also eat soy milk with my cereal.
9. Eat a clove of fresh garlic and one Kyolic one per day
I absolutely hate the taste of garlic! Walgreens sell garlic pills, so maybe I can use that as a substitute. I just hate garlic.
10. Walk for 30 minutes every day
Since I have not made any attempt to go to the gym, I have decided to start riding public transportation which forces me to exercise. In this 100+ degree weather, it has been no walk in the park at all. But I have been sticking with it. Plus it saves gas.
So 6 out of 10 aren’t bad, at least I don’t think. I think I am well on my way. I am really anxious to see if I can lower my cholesterol by changing my diet and exercising, or am I just fighting genetics. Either way, at least I am making an effort to eat healthier. Finally in the action phase!!!