Monday, June 27, 2011

Slowly But Surely

I had a conversation with my cousin last night. He and I were talking about our health issues. I told him how I wanted to change my eating habits to lower my cholesterol rather than taking medication. Of course he said he would rather take the medication. So I went on to explain some of the side effects I have been having (e.g. fatigue and joint pains). Changing my diet doesn’t really come with side effects.

Eating oatmeal was the first obstacle I have been able to overcome. Over the weekend I finally forced myself to eat oatmeal, and it wasn’t that bad. Well that’s not true; the first bowl was absolutely disgusting. It was the first bowl of oatmeal I had made in 13 years, and it wasn’t instant either. The second bowl wasn’t too bad. Next time I go grocery shopping I will have to remember to get some toppings, because cinnamon alone is not going to cut it. I must say eating oatmeal for breakfast did keep me full for a long time. I didn’t feel the need to snack throughout day. My only concern is that eating oatmeal is going to make me put on some serious pounds.

What I have also noticed is that I haven’t had any swelling in my feet and ankles in a long time. Thank God!!! I take that as some progress. Again baby steps, but hey I’ll take that. I have also started riding Metro again instead of driving to work. This forces me to get some exercise during the day.

I have just come to the realization that changing things in my life cannot be sudden. That’s why I am constantly going through withdrawals and relapsing. It’s like a smoker trying to quit cold turkey, for some it works but it sends others into shock. I can’t go cold turkey! BABY STEPS! There isn’t anything wrong with taking baby steps. You would think I was born in the ‘80’s J

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