Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pity Party: Part 2

Am I kidding myself? Am I really trying, or am I just pretending? Discipline just isn't in the cards for me, and I don't know why. Do I really need to have someone barking at me, and making me go to the gym and eat right? At first I was so gung-ho about this whole getting my life together and being a healthier person, but somewhere along the way I have lost my momentum. I am a grown woman taking baby steps. Ugh!

Maybe it's the instant gratification thing that I am looking for. Well there is no maybe; I am looking for instant gratification. I want the weight to fall off right now. I want the cholesterol to go down right now. I want...I want...I want. I want it, but I am not willing to work for it. Again I ask why I am so dedicated to my work but not to my health.

I know that I do not like what I see when I look in the mirror. Absolutely hate the way certain clothes look on me. I feel a whole lot older than I really am. My ankles swell, my knees hurt when I walk up stairs, and I am always tired. How sad is that?! I am 32yrs old and I feel like I am 72. Actually a 72yr old might feel a whole lot better than I do. What am I to do?! I know, crawl up in my bed and cry my eyes out (as the tears start to fall).

1 comment:

  1. If so many of us feel this way, why aren't we supporting and encouraging each other to move out of Hotel Misery?!
    Your blog is a great start, keep going.
